
What You Need to Know About Authors’ Copyright for a Published Article

For a ethical publishing practice, the original author of a research article should retain the copyright of any paper published in an online journal
The original Author owns the copyright of his/her work.

Seems like a statement that should apply to any line of work, including publishing academic articles in scholarly journals.

However, there are so many online academic journals that charge a very small publication fee and then retain authors’ rights over their paper. This is a terrible practice because authors are lured with a small charge, and then the online academic journals end up using or selling their work.

Authors Copyright is an extremely important aspect to check for any scholarly journal you are considering as a publication outlet for your research paper.

What is Author Copyright?

Copyright refers to the author’s exclusive rights on how others get to use, publish or distribute a particular work.

As an Author of academic articles, this implies that the copyright you choose (whether you retain it or you transfer it to a publisher) has an impact on how your work is used by other researchers, scientists, journalists, students, or anyone interested in your research paper.

In this fast-evolving digital world, how other people interact, read, cite, or reuse your paper is changing. This is why it is so important to understand your options for Author Copyright, particularly when considering to publish your paper in open access academic journals or traditional subscription-based publishing outlets, ensuring a wider circulation and higher visibility for your scholarly journal articles.

Copyright for Open Access Academic Articles

The right to reuse is the key to the definition of Open Access publishing model. According to the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities, Open Access implies free online access and permission to use the information for any responsible purpose.

In this highly permissive open access publishing model, copyright is still important because it allows you to protect your original ideas and materials and stop others from using your work without proper acknowledgement of your work. So, other people will have to credit you and your published article, further increasing its reach, dissemination, and overall impact.

When considering submitting a new academic article for scholarly journal publication, Authors can also check SHERPA/RoMEO, a listing service that showcases the copyright guidelines and open access self-archiving policies of scientific journals.

All of our academic journals are listed in this service that reveals our commitment to helping Authors retain their copyright.

Your Academic Article. Your Rights.

At Expert Journals, the copyright on any research academic article is retained by the Authors.

Authors grant Expert Journals a license to publish the article for the first time and identify itself as the original publisher.

We feel it is important for you, as the Author, to retain the copyright and to have your academic article under a Creative Commons license. This means that your paper can be freely redistributed and reused by yourself and other researchers as long as your article is correctly attributed.

For instance, you can post your online published article on your personal or institutional homepage, you can email it to friends or post it on social media, you can print it and include it in a course-pack, you can archive it in a collection or distribute it on CD-ROM, you can take any steps you want to distribute your online published article as often and widely as possible to increase its visibility.

Send Your Academic Article and Retain Your Author's Copyright
