Open Access Research promotes the idea of freely accessible studies and increases the visibility of new discoveries among Researchers and Authors
Category - Benefits
Open Access Research promotes the idea of freely accessible studies and increases the visibility of new discoveries among Researchers and Authors
Open access articles benefit from the power of indexing and discoverability to produce relevant and accurate results.
Usually, online journals with open access policies ensure high visibility and maximum exposure for your work, because anyone with online access can read and further cite and promote your article. For a published article to be successful, online journals have to offer accessibility and visibility. This high level of visibility occurs with indexing, abstracting, and listing in major databases.
For a ethical publishing practice, the original author of a research article should retain the copyright of any paper published in an online journal
Articles submitted at Expert Journals undergo an efficient double peer review process that helps Authors improve their study and dissemination.
Writing a scientific article that is of high quality requires more than just structuring an outline and informing the reader. Here are a few tips for preparing your article for publication in peer-reviewed online journals.
Authors should have their articles published rapidly while also benefiting from a quality editorial process provided by the online journal.